When you are residing in California and own a car or two, having a California Car Insurance policy is one of the necessities that your finances should allocate. There are many cheap California Auto insurance policies that suit your needs and your car's.
As a general rule, car drivers and car owners are required to shoulder the liability of financial expenditures during accident, though set at a minimum amount. This principle is especially applied especially when deaths occur from car accident.
In order to meet the State requirement, several automobile insurance companies offer three types of auto insurance coverage. Two of such types are designed to be active when the driver is held liable for damages, while the other is somewhat like an emergency insurance. California Car Insurance companies have all these types and more.
If you desire to avail Fully Comprehensive, read the policy carefully because some auto insurance companies do not insure 100% of the car's value but only 80%. This is stipulation is to protect the car insurance companies against fraudulent claims of losses for their car such as the owner wants to dispose the car or is having financial difficulties.
The second type of coverage in car insurance is Bodily Injury Liability. Still, when you are at fault in the accident, California auto insurance shoulders the expenses for any injury or even death of a person resulting from the accident.
Nor does California Car Insurance settle the financial liability if, during the car accident, the other party is at fault. In short, you can only claim against your car insurance company if you are held responsible of the car accident.
The second type of auto insurance is Bodily Injury liability, which is granted upon the wronged party to cover his medical expenses, or as the minimum death settlement money. If you are the car owner, you had better avail these two types of automobile coverage for it covers medical and car repair.
For its part, if you purchase this type of California Car Insurance, it does not cover all other events like what the other insurance policies do. Also, this policy is at most purchased by owners whose car is very old and of no value at all just like almost a junk car.
This add-on feature, when you avail a cheap California Auto insurance policy makes it flexible since it does not even matter who is at fault in order to enjoy its benefits. If, for example, damage is incurred on your car due to unforeseen occurrence such as fire or earthquake, what type of automobile insurance can cover the expenses?
Comprehensive coverage is another feature of California Car Insurance that is not required by any State to have. Nevertheless, it is also helpful because it pays for any expenses incurred for your car by any non-collision circumstance such as that which was mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Most car owners today have more than one car insurance policy. The first is to cover the expenses for car repair and medical fees of the other party when you are at fault. The second is to cover their own car repair when they are at fault. Whatever your needs are, California Car Insurance companies have the right one for you.
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